Move Over, Atheists! `~
(too old to reply)
Daniel Joseph Min
19 years ago

BECAUSE ATHEISM IS properly defined as a "belief", e.g.,
quoting from Webster's New World Dictionary & Thesaurus:

"Atheism -
the *belief* that there is no God, or denial that
God or gods exist." [end quote, emphasis added]

Thus Atheism is properly a (ir)religious belief, and so
adherents and proponents of Atheism are equally as much
believers in their godless religion of Atheism as other
believers in other contrastingly less-godless religions
are likewise believers their respective religions; some
devout believers, some less devout in their convictions.

Now, because Atheists hijacked America's public schools
and America's justice system some decades ago, Atheism
has been the official religion taught in public schools
and enforced in the liberal-biased courtrooms nationwide.

Beginning next year, those dark days of history are OVER!
No, the religion of Atheism isn't going to be banned from
public classrooms or courtrooms. Rather, the strength of
our great nation,--the greatest, most prosperous, generous
and powerful nation in recorded world history,--is that we
not only tolerate freedom of religion and freedom of speech,
we *encourage* every law-abiding American citizen to believe
in their beliefs and express their beliefs however they see
fit; and to pursue life, liberty and happiness in every way
that they possibly can...strictly within the law, of course.

Thanks to Alito's right-wing seat on the Supreme Court, we'll
soon see the ever-more popular theory of 'Intelligent Design'
being taught right alongside the ever-less popular theory of
Evolution. No, our public school teachers won't stop teaching
the theory of Evolution, but will in effect "superimpose" the
theory of 'Intelligent Design' over the top of it, so to speak.

Also, contrary to the fear mongering and misconceptions being
propagated from the now politically-disempowered and inviable
left, we're not going to outlaw Atheism or any other religion
as long as their adherents don't break the law--THAT's the key.

Once you understand that freedom of religion is the strength
of the United States of America and her unassailably-dominant
rule over global destiny, then you'll realize that people of
all religious faiths--even dyed-in-the-wool Atheists--will
soon be mutually free to openly worship according to their
beliefs and to express their beliefs in public schools, as
long as they're not violating any school rules, or breaking
any ordinances or other local, city, state or federal laws.

For example, Atheists will continue to boast in many public
places about how they *believe* there is no God, no divine
Creator, no soul or spirit, no ghosts, no angels or demons,
nothing paranormal or supernatural whatsoever. And that's
their right to do so. If they want to go around making fools
of themselves by mocking others' heartfelt religious beliefs
in public, then that's their right to do it; to believe what
they want, and to express their beliefs openly--even if you
abhor them and vehemently disagree with everything they say.

Likewise, believers in other religions, Wiccans, Astrologers,
Tarot Readers, Psychics, Occultists, Christians, Jews, Hindus,
Muslims, Buddhists, Mormons, Theosophists, Zoroastrianists,
Shintoists, Taoists, Bahais, Gnostics, Deists, Theists, Poly-
theists, Satanists, Tree-worshippers, et cetera ad infinitum:
ALL law-abiding citizens will soon be free to believe what
they choose to believe and to openly express their beliefs
in public places, as long as they're not breaking any rules
or laws to the contrary. And the Supreme Court will guarantee
that freedom of religion will be mainstream in public schools
and courtrooms. The Ten Commandments will be displayed in view.

That's what scares the hell out of the Atheists, since they
will soon lose their draconian stranglehold over America's
public schools and courtrooms all across our great nation.

And Yes, fanatical factions on the far-left AND on the far-
right aren't likely at first to be too enthusiastic about
freedom of belief--even religious belief--becoming federal
law. Change is often painful, especially for those clinging
to unjust, obsolete, ergo religiously-intolerant ideologies.

But that's okay, they'll just die off, eventually. And new
generations won't even remember the abject foolishness and
oppressiveness of the religiously-intolerant Atheists who'd
tried so hard to keep the American public in the dark for so
long. Cat's out o' the bag: Atheism is ONLY another religion,
a very dull, unspiritual and unenlightened religion at that. :-D

What's GOING to happen is that every man, woman and child in
the world is going to find out that God loves everyone, and
wants every soul to succeed--even if it take a million years.
God doesn't let anyone off the hook. Even the unwisest, evil-
doing souls who've incurred massive indebtedness against the
great Spirit must eventually pay *every* last penny they owe
in saecula saeculorum, into the ages of the ages. It's the LAW.

Daniel Joseph Min

*Download Min's Banned (Freeware) Books:

*Min's Google-Archived Home Page On The WWW:

Uncle Vic
19 years ago
Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Daniel Joseph Min (Anonymous-
Post by Daniel Joseph Min
BECAUSE ATHEISM IS properly defined as a "belief", e.g.,
Most dictionaries are written by theists. Theists don't understand the
difference between believing in a god and presupposing the existence of a
Uncle Vic
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department
Only the atheist realizes how morally objectionable it is for survivors of
a catastrophe to believe themselves spared by a loving God while this same
God drowned infants in their cribs. - Sam Harris
19 years ago
Post by Daniel Joseph Min
BECAUSE ATHEISM IS properly defined as a "belief", e.g.,
"Atheism -
the *belief* that there is no God, or denial that
God or gods exist." [end quote, emphasis added]
Read it again. Pay special attention to "or".
Then read a few more dictionaries.
Then look up "secular".
That's silly. Atheism is not taught in schools.
Prohibiting someone from yelling "fire" in a crowded theater is not the
same as yelling "there is no fire".
Post by Daniel Joseph Min
Beginning next year, those dark days of history are OVER! No, the
religion of Atheism isn't going to be banned from public classrooms or
It already is. To the same extent as any other religious "teaching".

Thurisaz, Germanic barbarian
19 years ago
Post by Daniel Joseph Min
Now, because Atheists hijacked America's public schools
and America's justice system some decades ago
Argument from persecution:
1. Jebus said believers will be persecuted
2. I am an idiot
3. People often point this out
4. Therefore the babble is true
Post by Daniel Joseph Min
Thanks to Alito's right-wing seat on the Supreme Court, we'll
soon see the ever-more popular theory of 'Intelligent Design'
being taught right alongside the ever-less popular theory of
Ah, lying for jebus.
IDiocy is nonsense and the world knows it. Only where educational levels are
ludicrously low (read: theocracies like Iran, or near-theocracies like the
4th reich of ameriKKKa) does IDiocy have any chance at all, for whoever
once learned the very basics of science sees immediately that IDiocy is
Evolutionary theory, on the other hand, is one of the best-evidenced
theories of the whole of science... even the fundie standard method of
"fighting" it testifies to this truth. If E. T. would be unscientific
nonsense, fundies would have more than strawmen and lies debunked decades
ago, and sometimes a century ago, to use against it.
Post by Daniel Joseph Min
Once you understand that freedom of religion is the strength
of the United States of America and her unassailably-dominant
rule over global destiny
Gee, why do I want to shout "Sieg heil!" when I read that?
"To his friend a man a friend shall prove,
And gifts with gifts requite;
But men shall mocking with mockery answer,
And fraud with falsehood meet."
(The Poetic Edda)

Must have been written with fundies in mind...
19 years ago
Post by Daniel Joseph Min
BECAUSE ATHEISM IS properly defined as a "belief", e.g.,
quoting from Webster's New World Dictionary & Thesaurus
Care to discuss the color of the hair on my bald head?
Nemo - EAC Commissioner for Bible Belt Underwater Operations.
Atheist #1331 (the Palindrome of doom!)
BAAWA Knight! - One of those warm Southern Knights, y'all!
Charter member, SMASH!!
Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
Quotemeister since March 2002
19 years ago
On 15 Dec 2005 03:08:33 -0000, While I was gettin a beer, somebody
Post by Daniel Joseph Min
BECAUSE ATHEISM IS properly defined as a "belief", e.g.,
A "cut and paste", queen.

How novel.
19 years ago
Gregory Gadow
19 years ago
Post by Daniel Joseph Min
Now, because Atheists hijacked America's public schools
and America's justice system some decades ago, Atheism
has been the official religion taught in public schools
and enforced in the liberal-biased courtrooms nationwide.
Liar. Not teaching about religion is not the same as teaching irreligion. And if you
are going to insist that you be allowed to teach your religion in public classrooms,
I will demand that my religious views, and the religious views of ALL Americans --
Wiccans, Satanists, Mormons, Baha'i, Buddhist, all of them -- be given EQUAL time as
Christianity. After all, it would be wrong to teach only one point of view and not
"the controversy", wouldn't it?
Gregory Gadow

"[W]e have never held that moral disapproval, without any other asserted
state interest, is a sufficient rationale under the Equal Protection
Clause to justify a law that discriminates among groups of persons."
- Sandra Day O`Conner, _Lawrence v Texas_
Mark K. Bilbo
19 years ago
Post by Daniel Joseph Min
quoting from
So the fuck what?
Mark K. Bilbo

"We need everything you've got"

Forgotten Already

Feds are treating Louisiana like enemy

"...it may be that they may have written us off."

19 years ago
All of you are a pathetic and sorry lot! Probably, the most poignant
question of our existence, and you're making a grand mockery of it! Hiding
behind semantics and profanity only adds to your cowardice.

To you the Godless: if for you, there is nothing higher than you that is
beyond your understanding of the realm of your reality, then so be it! But
don't deny the existence of God when He touches your life, because you will
be denying it only to yourself.

To you the God-fearing: who are you to deny those who do not share your
believe, they're right to free will? Try considering that perhaps, just
maybe, God is so far beyond ALL human sensing, measure and comprehension,
that it isn't easy to believe in or undertstand Him.
Post by Daniel Joseph Min
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
To you the Godless: if for you, there is nothing higher than you that is
beyond your understanding of the realm of your reality, then so be it! But
don't deny the existence of God when He touches your life, because you will
be denying it only to yourself.
Yet another stupid, lying theist attacking a straw man of his own

Either prove it exists in the real world outside your deluded
imagination, or shut the fuck up.
19 years ago
Only you can up your mind about this. Here's something to get you started
(...but then again...you already have): seek and you will find. But you
already knew that, right?
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Blueboy
To you the Godless: if for you, there is nothing higher than you that is
beyond your understanding of the realm of your reality, then so be it! But
don't deny the existence of God when He touches your life, because you will
be denying it only to yourself.
Yet another stupid, lying theist attacking a straw man of his own
Either prove it exists in the real world outside your deluded
imagination, or shut the fuck up.
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
Only you can up your mind about this. Here's something to get you started
(...but then again...you already have): seek and you will find. But you
already knew that, right?
An idiot as well as a liar.
19 years ago
Ladies and gentlemen, these could only be the words of a genius. Your grasp
on reality is obviously far superior.
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
Uncle Vic
19 years ago
Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Blueboy
Post by Blueboy
Ladies and gentlemen, these could only be the words of a genius. Your
grasp on reality is obviously far superior.
It is, monobrow. Gods are for troglodytes.
Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011, aw Hellboy #5
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
Only you can up your mind about this. Here's something to get you started
(...but then again...you already have): seek and you will find. But you
already knew that, right?
I'm just curious - Have you ever read the magazine you're named after? (Not
that there's anything wrong with that)
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
Only you can up your mind about this. Here's something to get you started
(...but then again...you already have): seek and you will find. But you
already knew that, right?
I just looked for a million dollars in my closet. It wasn't there. I
seeked, and I didn't find. So you're a liar.
aa #2133
ap #19
19 years ago
Just because you don't see what you want to see, doesn't mean it's not
there. Just an idea for you to try, go look in the mirror and right up there
in your mirror image where your cranium should reside, a million-dollar idea
might just hit you hard enough to give you the cash. I hope it will make you
Post by towelie
Post by Blueboy
Only you can up your mind about this. Here's something to get you started
(...but then again...you already have): seek and you will find. But you
already knew that, right?
I just looked for a million dollars in my closet. It wasn't there. I
seeked, and I didn't find. So you're a liar.
aa #2133
ap #19
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
Just because you don't see what you want to see, doesn't mean it's not
there. Just an idea for you to try, go look in the mirror and right up there
in your mirror image where your cranium should reside, a million-dollar idea
might just hit you hard enough to give you the cash. I hope it will make you
Seen any ghosts lately?
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
The Ghost In The Machine
19 years ago
In alt.atheism, Robibnikoff
on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 07:40:50 -0500
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by Blueboy
Just because you don't see what you want to see, doesn't mean it's not
there. Just an idea for you to try, go look in the mirror and right up there
in your mirror image where your cranium should reside, a million-dollar idea
might just hit you hard enough to give you the cash. I hope it will make you
Seen any ghosts lately?

(OK, so it's a bad joke. :-) Followups.)
#191, ***@earthlink.net
It's still legal to go .sigless.
R. Pierce Butler
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
Just because you don't see what you want to see, doesn't mean it's not
there. Just an idea for you to try, go look in the mirror and right up
there in your mirror image where your cranium should reside, a
million-dollar idea might just hit you hard enough to give you the cash.
I hope it will make you happier.
Holy shit! He can't find a logical way to refute the claim so he resorts to
insults. How typically Christian of him! I suppose your invisible friend
Jesus taught you that one.
19 years ago
On Sat, 14 Jan 2006 16:12:40 GMT, "R. Pierce Butler"
It's that patented Christian Love®
Fundies and trolls are cordially invited to
shove a wooden cross up their arses and rotate
at a high rate of speed. I trust you'll
be 'blessed' with a cornucopia of splinters.
Lörd Phÿltêr
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
Only you can up your mind about this.
Interesting sentence...
Lörd Phÿltêr
Alt.Atheism #1938
Denizen of Darkness #44 & AFJC Antipodean Attaché
19 years ago
On Sat, 14 Jan 2006 08:26:09 GMT, "Lörd Phÿltêr" <***@hsotmail.com>
wrote in alt.atheism
Post by Lörd Phÿltêr
Post by Blueboy
Only you can up your mind about this.
Interesting sentence...
It's as coherant as the rest of his droolings.
Fundies and trolls are cordially invited to
shove a wooden cross up their arses and rotate
at a high rate of speed. I trust you'll
be 'blessed' with a cornucopia of splinters.
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by Blueboy
To you the Godless: if for you, there is nothing higher than you that is
beyond your understanding of the realm of your reality, then so be it! But
don't deny the existence of God when He touches your life, because you will
be denying it only to yourself.
Yet another stupid, lying theist attacking a straw man of his own
Either prove it exists in the real world outside your deluded
imagination, or shut the fuck up.
You are like a fish denying the existance of water.

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 13:48:46 GMT, "James Scannell"
And you are a liar as well as an idiot.

What do you imagine you are achieving by in-our-face lies about us?
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Christopher A. Lee
And you are a liar as well as an idiot.
What do you imagine you are achieving by in-our-face lies about us?
Write about something you know about, if there is such a thing.

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:06:32 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
Post by Christopher A. Lee
And you are a liar as well as an idiot.
What do you imagine you are achieving by in-our-face lies about us?
Write about something you know about, if there is such a thing.
Take your own advice, liar, instead of lying about atheists, to
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by James Scannell
Write about something you know about, if there is such a thing.
Take your own advice, liar, instead of lying about atheists, to
I haven't lied. If you could point out where I did, then you can be
redeemed from being the liar you are accusing me of being.

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:12:43 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Post by James Scannell
Write about something you know about, if there is such a thing.
Take your own advice, liar, instead of lying about atheists, to
I haven't lied. If you could point out where I did, then you can be
redeemed from being the liar you are accusing me of being.
It's what you snipped.Why are you so dishonest?

Was it some other liar called James Scannell who wrote:

"To you the Godless: if for you, there is nothing higher than you that
is beyond your understanding of the realm of your reality, then so be
it! But don't deny the existence of God when He touches your life,
because you will be denying it only to yourself "?


"You are like a fish denying the existance of water"?
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
James Scannell
19 years ago
This is what happens when you accept your own lies as truth. You make
mistakes. I did not write the above and yet you use it to defend yourself.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
"You are like a fish denying the existance of water"?
That is the truth. Even if it was not the truth, since I believe it to be
true it is not lying. Perhaps you are unaware of the definition of a lie.

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:31:12 GMT, "James Scannell"
And that's another lie.

You are a bigot who is too stupid to grasp that an atheist is merely
somebody who isn't theist, and has neither the courtesy nor common
sense to leave it at that.

Instead you stupidly and rudely invent positions we don't have based
on presumptions that don't even apply, and talk at us as though your
pretend friend were granted even though it's not.

Remember, we didn't go looking for you. You came to us and rubbed your
ignorant stupidity and nastiness in our faces.
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:31:12 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
That is the truth. Even if it was not the truth, since I believe it to be
true it is not lying. Perhaps you are unaware of the definition of a lie.
And that's another lie.
lie2 n.
1.. A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a
2.. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
You are a bigot who is too stupid to grasp that an atheist is merely
somebody who isn't theist, and has neither the courtesy nor common
sense to leave it at that.
You attacked someone first. I did not attack you out of the blue. Get with
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Instead you stupidly and rudely invent positions we don't have based
on presumptions that don't even apply, and talk at us as though your
pretend friend were granted even though it's not.
It is your assumption that I believe God is a person or has a personality
that can be befreinded. That is incorrect.
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Remember, we didn't go looking for you. You came to us and rubbed your
ignorant stupidity and nastiness in our faces.
Your ignorance will be revealed to you. When it is you will feel doubly
stupid for calling others ignorant and stupid.

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:45:25 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:31:12 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
That is the truth. Even if it was not the truth, since I believe it to be
true it is not lying. Perhaps you are unaware of the definition of a lie.
And that's another lie.
lie2 n.
1.. A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a
2.. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.
Your first time could have been an honest mistake, but we both know it
was neither honest nor a mistake. Repetition after you know it is a
lie, makes you a liar.
Post by James Scannell
Post by Christopher A. Lee
You are a bigot who is too stupid to grasp that an atheist is merely
somebody who isn't theist, and has neither the courtesy nor common
sense to leave it at that.
You attacked someone first. I did not attack you out of the blue. Get with
Post by James Scannell
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Instead you stupidly and rudely invent positions we don't have based
on presumptions that don't even apply, and talk at us as though your
pretend friend were granted even though it's not.
It is your assumption that I believe God is a person or has a personality
that can be befreinded. That is incorrect.
Then you knew it was a lie.
Post by James Scannell
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Remember, we didn't go looking for you. You came to us and rubbed your
ignorant stupidity and nastiness in our faces.
Your ignorance will be revealed to you. When it is you will feel doubly
stupid for calling others ignorant and stupid.
What "ignorance", liar?
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
James Scannell
19 years ago
What led you to ASSume I knew it to be a lie? Because YOU called it a lie?

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:51:48 GMT, "James Scannell"
Because nobody could be that stupid. HA!
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
19 years ago
And you are like a troll posting on Usenet.
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Robibnikoff
And you are like a troll posting on Usenet.
"Like," perhaps.

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 09:06:48 -0500, "Robibnikoff"
I've never understood why "polite society" allows and even encourages
assholes like him him to lie about us, and we're expected to put
upwith it.
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Christopher A. Lee
I've never understood why "polite society" allows and even encourages
assholes like him him to lie about us, and we're expected to put
upwith it.
You sure do live in a fantasy world.

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:13:56 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
Post by Christopher A. Lee
I've never understood why "polite society" allows and even encourages
assholes like him him to lie about us, and we're expected to put
upwith it.
You sure do live in a fantasy world.
Yet another lie from the stupid, bigoted asshole who came here to
attack a strawman of his own devising.

And then had the sheer idiocy to talk at us as though his deity were
universally granted.

But then he's a Christian.
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Yet another lie from the stupid, bigoted asshole who came here to
attack a strawman of his own devising.
And then had the sheer idiocy to talk at us as though his deity were
universally granted.
But then he's a Christian.
First off, where did I say I was a Christian. Secondly, I doubt you even
know what a Christian is. Most people who consider themselves Christians
don't know. Lastly, God is universally granted by definition (the correct

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:37:55 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
Post by Christopher A. Lee
Yet another lie from the stupid, bigoted asshole who came here to
attack a strawman of his own devising.
And then had the sheer idiocy to talk at us as though his deity were
universally granted.
But then he's a Christian.
First off, where did I say I was a Christian.
Then don't behave like one.
Post by James Scannell
Secondly, I doubt you even
know what a Christian is.
Post by James Scannell
Most people who consider themselves Christians
don't know.
Post by James Scannell
Lastly, God is universally granted by definition (the correct
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
James Scannell
19 years ago
I've met your types before. Anytime they see something they disagree with
they call the person a liar. Others can see your ignorance that you defend
to your ego's satisfaction but it fools only yourself.

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:50:01 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
I've met your types before. Anytime they see something they disagree with
they call the person a liar. Others can see your ignorance that you defend
to your ego's satisfaction but it fools only yourself.
I've met your type before. A bigoted self-imposed ignoramus who tells
falsehoods to people about themselves, and then lies about the reason
he is called a liar. If you don't like it, stop lying.
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:50:01 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
I've met your types before. Anytime they see something they disagree with
they call the person a liar. Others can see your ignorance that you defend
to your ego's satisfaction but it fools only yourself.
I've met your type before. A bigoted self-imposed ignoramus who tells
falsehoods to people about themselves, and then lies about the reason
he is called a liar. If you don't like it, stop lying.
You obviously have nothing better to do than spew accusations. I do. The
fact that I have other things to do besides going back and forth with you
does not make anything you said, or will say, true or logical. Enjoy your

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:57:51 GMT, "James Scannell"
And you have nothing better to do than continue to lie rather than
admit your bigoted falsehoods.
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
Sanity's little helper
19 years ago
Post by James Scannell
God is universally granted by definition (the correct
Looky here folks! A straw deity!

AA #2208, HB #6
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Sanity's little helper
Post by James Scannell
God is universally granted by definition (the correct
Looky here folks! A straw deity!
The correct definition of God is not as a deity.

Jim Scannell
John Baker
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 13:48:46 GMT, "James Scannell"
Shall we take that as an admission that you can't back up your claims
with any real data?
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 13:48:46 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
You are like a fish denying the existance of water.
Shall we take that as an admission that you can't back up your claims
with any real data?
There is plenty of real data. Since you are unaware of it you obviously do
not read much. There was a time when I planned on writing a book but I
realized that there really isn't anything more to be said. It is all
written somewhere. Do some research. You can't learn anything if you are
smug in your own ego.

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:35:31 GMT, "James Scannell"
Where plenty equals zero.

You liars talk about it but never provide it.

Do your own research: PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
James Scannell
19 years ago
There are plenty of sources in the list on the web page at the link I've
posted on every post today. You're talking out of your ass.

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:47:25 GMT, "James Scannell"
Translation: you can't. So you try to shift the burden of proof.
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:47:25 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
Post by Christopher A. Lee
You liars talk about it but never provide it.
Do your own research: PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
There are plenty of sources in the list on the web page at the link I've
posted on every post today. You're talking out of your ass.
Translation: you can't. So you try to shift the burden of proof.
Conversing with you is like talking to a three year old.

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:53:30 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
Post by Christopher A. Lee
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:47:25 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
Post by Christopher A. Lee
You liars talk about it but never provide it.
Do your own research: PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
There are plenty of sources in the list on the web page at the link I've
posted on every post today. You're talking out of your ass.
Translation: you can't. So you try to shift the burden of proof.
Conversing with you is like talking to a three year old.
Yet another lie.

your job for you?
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
Don Kresch
19 years ago
In alt.atheism On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 13:48:46 GMT, "James Scannell"
No, he's like a person denying the existence of something that
doesn't exist.

James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Don Kresch
In alt.atheism On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 13:48:46 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
You are like a fish denying the existance of water.
No, he's like a person denying the existence of something that
doesn't exist.
You're real clever. Can you see air? Does it exist? How do you know if
you can't see it? Does radiation exist? How do you know? Are you taking
someone else's word for it? There are probably more people who "believe" in
God than there are that "believe" in radiation since there are probably more
people ignorant of the existence radiation and what it is than there are

Jim Scannell
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Don Kresch
In alt.atheism On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 13:48:46 GMT, "James Scannell"
Post by James Scannell
You are like a fish denying the existance of water.
No, he's like a person denying the existence of something that
doesn't exist.
In order for a person to be an atheist the person has to be ignorant of the
research done in quantum physics in the last 20 years, research done on LSD
in the 1950s and 60s, research done on psychic phenomenon, research done on
hypnotic regression, and research done on spiritual healing. If an atheist
did enough investigation in any of those fields they will have a change of

Jim Scannell
Sanity's little helper
19 years ago
in order for a person to be an atheist the person has to be ignorant of the
research done in quantum physics in the last 20 years, research done on LSD
in the 1950s and 60s, research done on psychic phenomenon, research done on
hypnotic regression, and research done on spiritual healing. If an atheist
did enough investigation in any of those fields they will have a change of
I counted 5 lies in that statement.
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Sanity's little helper
in order for a person to be an atheist the person has to be ignorant of the
research done in quantum physics in the last 20 years, research done on LSD
in the 1950s and 60s, research done on psychic phenomenon, research done on
hypnotic regression, and research done on spiritual healing. If an atheist
did enough investigation in any of those fields they will have a change of
I counted 5 lies in that statement.
Bull. You are afraid to do the research because you are afraid that God
might exist or that you would find that reality is not what you think it is.

Jim Scannell
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 17:24:22 GMT, "James Scannell"
And three more in that sentence.
Post by James Scannell
Jim Scannell
Sanity's little helper
19 years ago
You're the one with the problem. Take it somewhere where you can get help
with it.

AA #2208, HB #6
Christopher A. Lee
19 years ago
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 17:09:41 +0000, Sanity's little helper
Post by Sanity's little helper
in order for a person to be an atheist the person has to be ignorant of the
research done in quantum physics in the last 20 years, research done on LSD
in the 1950s and 60s, research done on psychic phenomenon, research done on
hypnotic regression, and research done on spiritual healing. If an atheist
did enough investigation in any of those fields they will have a change of
I counted 5 lies in that statement.
But he's not a liar. He says so himself, and he wouldn't lie about
that, would he?
Jesus H Christ
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
All of you are a pathetic and sorry lot!
Fuck you very much.
Post by Blueboy
Probably, the most poignant
question of our existence, and you're making a grand mockery of it!
We don't generally mock, we simply don't bother with fantasies.

What we do mock are people like you who attempt to justify their faith as
being based on anything more than spiritualistic religious dogma.
Post by Blueboy
Hiding behind semantics and profanity only adds to your cowardice.
Yet you insult atheists **in the first sentence of your diatribe**,
making your post a pathetic example of fundie hypocrisy.

**Fuck you**, you hypocritical asshole.

If you want a congenial exchange of views, you better fucking lean to
behave yourself or you will get told to GO FUCK YOURSELF in no uncertain
fashion. Play nice, be polite or FUCK OFF.
Post by Blueboy
To you the Godless: if for you, there is nothing higher than you that
is beyond your understanding of the realm of your reality, then so be
Fine by me.
Post by Blueboy
But don't deny the existence of God when He touches your life,
because you will be denying it only to yourself.
Your particular brand of self-delusion is but one of a wide spectrum of
spiritualistic religious dogma.

Why should your personal brand of spiritualistic religious dogma be any
more trustworthy than any other brand of self-delusional fantasies?

As for denying it "only to myself", since 'god's existence can only be
demonstrated by self-delusion then my lack of self-delusion is all the
proof I need.
What makes you think atheists are god fearing? Why should we be any more
afraid of 'god' than the easter bunny?

I'm more afraid of the energiser bunny than 'god'.
Post by Blueboy
who are you to deny those who do not share
your believe, they're right to free will?
You need to improve your grammar; "belief", "their" and so on.

As to your argument, atheists specifically don't 'believe' anything in
particular. They just **don't** believe in 'god'. The rest of their
views are varied. So making comments about atheists specific 'belief' is

As for others, their right to free will is not restrained by atheists
lack of belief.

However, atheists will generally not tolerate religious views or opinions
being pushed on THEM, any more than atheists expect followers of blind
spiritualistic religious dogma to base their views on say, science or

Your argument's fucking backwards. Typical nonsense.
Post by Blueboy
Try considering that
perhaps, just maybe, God is so far beyond ALL human sensing, measure
and comprehension, that it isn't easy to believe in or undertstand
I've tried considering it and on the balance I believe that belief in god
indicates the believer is able to self-delude themselves.

Next time, try posting something worth discussing, because you're a big
fucking disappointment.

19 years ago
You should try harder in distinguishing what is and what isn't a waste of
time. You seem to be lacking the experience. Peace be with you too.
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
All of you are a pathetic and sorry lot! Probably, the most poignant
question of our existence, and you're making a grand mockery of it! Hiding
behind semantics and profanity only adds to your cowardice.
Dear Mr. Amoeba,

The heads of department here in Saneville are still not fully satisfied that
your mental health is sufficient enough to warrant early release although we
are more than willing to discuss your recent brain-cell activity.
Latest indications show that cell division has taken place and this,
together with your previous brain cell, demonstrates that improvements in
your mental capacity are more than possible though somewhat
limited as far as fully functioning intelligence may be concerned.

We are therefore greatly concerned that you have not been in touch with us
recently and we would request that you address this matter with some

Your new medication is now available through the dispensing department of
the clinic however, the resident psychiatrist would prefer to see you before
re submitting your request for release into the community.

Yours... Dr. Gunther Finklebaumer
19 years ago
Dear Dr. Finklebaumer,

Thank you most kindly for your most gracious response. You're obviously a
subject matter expert when it comes to mental health at the sanatarium...oh
so sorry, Saneville. However, it appears best that I refer you back to your
self-admiration given your apparent lack of comprehension at the words
"mockery" and "cowardice" in that reference passage quoted. Furthermore, I
can only assure you that my mental capacity and brain function are well in
check, contrary to your most eloquent sarcasm. If you do have any further
worthwhile commentary to make which may even border on the sublime or the
vaguely intelligent, please feel free to respond (note the word
"intelligent"). Otherwise, talk to the those nice chaps in the white coats.
Hope your strait jacket isn't too tight.

Best wishes,

A. M. O. Eba
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
If you do have any further
worthwhile commentary to make which may even border on the sublime or the
vaguely intelligent, please feel free to respond (note the word
"intelligent"). Otherwise, talk to the those nice chaps in the white coats.
Hope your strait jacket isn't too tight.
Dear Mr. A. M. O. Eba,

Your recent request to gather in an act of conversation with a member of the
'white coat' community appears to be borne of frustration at your apparent
lack of
communication skills. I would like to refer you to another self-help
therapist on the team at the Saneville Institute of Psychiatry, Dr. Greta

Her immense skills in the social communication department has seen major
improvements with all of her patients, specifically in those of an extremely
challenged nature.

Her model for generally accepted human interaction is widely appreciated as
being the most understandable course for bringing lesser members of the
uni-celled lifeforms together in order that they may find improvement in
their own social circles.

Please be advised, this course is not for the squeamish as it can be of a
violent nature. It is an extremely new practice and still in its infancy.
Things can, and so often, do go wrong for the patient when they first learn
to communicate with other lifeforms on an acceptable level.

In the meantime, may we wish you all the success in your endeavours and hope
that this may be of use to singular celled lifeforms such as your self.

Yours... Dr. Gunther Finklebaumer
Brian E. Clark
19 years ago
In article <43c858de$0$10299$***@news.optusnet.com.au>,
Blueboy said...
Post by Blueboy
To you the Godless: if for you, there is nothing higher than you that is
beyond your understanding of the realm of your reality, then so be it!
Currently, my cat Merlin is higher than me: he's sleeping on the
couch-bed on the third floor, next to my wife's plush unicorn
doll. He looks so cute, you could use the sentiment to sweeten
your tea.
Brian E. Clark
19 years ago
Yes, it is, isn't it. Might even cause me hyperglycaemiae. Thanks for
sharing and best wishes to Merlin.
Post by Brian E. Clark
Blueboy said...
Post by Blueboy
To you the Godless: if for you, there is nothing higher than you that is
beyond your understanding of the realm of your reality, then so be it!
Currently, my cat Merlin is higher than me: he's sleeping on the
couch-bed on the third floor, next to my wife's plush unicorn
doll. He looks so cute, you could use the sentiment to sweeten
your tea.
Brian E. Clark
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
All of you are a pathetic and sorry lot! Probably, the most poignant
question of our existence, and you're making a grand mockery of it! Hiding
behind semantics and profanity only adds to your cowardice.
Hey, Blueboy! There's a great magazine named after you. My gay roommate had
quite a few copies ;)
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
19 years ago
Thanks for the heads up...*boom tish*...but I'm certain you can do better
than that.
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by Blueboy
All of you are a pathetic and sorry lot! Probably, the most poignant
question of our existence, and you're making a grand mockery of it! Hiding
behind semantics and profanity only adds to your cowardice.
Hey, Blueboy! There's a great magazine named after you. My gay roommate had
quite a few copies ;)
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
Thanks for the heads up...*boom tish*...but I'm certain you can do better
than that.
What exactly are you looking for, "Blueboy"?
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
19 years ago
I come seeking the truth only, nothing more nothing less. I suspect it is so
simple, it is hard for us to believe.
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by Blueboy
Thanks for the heads up...*boom tish*...but I'm certain you can do better
than that.
What exactly are you looking for, "Blueboy"?
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
I come seeking the truth only, nothing more nothing less. I suspect it is so
simple, it is hard for us to believe.
What newsgroup are you posting from?

Do you believe in ghosts?
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
19 years ago
I'm from alt.folklore.ghost-stories, but alt.aetheism is part of the same

I try to keep an open mind about ghosts. Human perception may be clouding
what the ghost phenomenon might really be.
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by Blueboy
I come seeking the truth only, nothing more nothing less. I suspect it is so
simple, it is hard for us to believe.
What newsgroup are you posting from?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
Mark K. Bilbo
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
I'm from alt.folklore.ghost-stories, but alt.aetheism is part of the same
Um... no, we're not.
Mark K. Bilbo
Charity hospital closes for good

A city on hold

If Katrina was a "judgment," god hates poor people
and churches but loves a good party...

"Everything New Orleans"
19 years ago
This thread is listed right under another titled "Most Haunted vs. Ghost
Hunters" with replies directed to the following groups:


Can the default address path from the original message change along the
Post by Mark K. Bilbo
Post by Blueboy
I'm from alt.folklore.ghost-stories, but alt.aetheism is part of the same
Um... no, we're not.
Mark K. Bilbo
Charity hospital closes for good
A city on hold
If Katrina was a "judgment," god hates poor people
and churches but loves a good party...
"Everything New Orleans"
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
This thread is listed right under another titled "Most Haunted vs. Ghost
Can the default address path from the original message change along the
You're new to Usenet, aren't you.

I only post from alt.atheism and I've never seen the post "Most Haunted vs.
Ghost Hunter". Did you happen to notice the subject of this thread?
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
I'm from alt.folklore.ghost-stories, but alt.aetheism is part of the same
Sorry, never heard of "alt.aetheism". I'm posting from alt.atheism and
that's not part of ANY group.
Post by Blueboy
I try to keep an open mind about ghosts. Human perception may be clouding
what the ghost phenomenon might really be.
That's nice, deary. Now, what the fuck does it have to do with atheism?
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
Randy Day
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
I come seeking the truth only, nothing more nothing less. I suspect it is so
simple, it is hard for us to believe.
Oops. You made a grammatical error in your
second sentence, there. Let me correct it
for you:

"I suspect I am so simple, it is hard for
us to believe."

There; a MUCH more accurate statement...
Atheist Chair,
EAC Disciplinary Committee
19 years ago
If it makes you a happier, then by all means.
Post by Randy Day
Post by Blueboy
I come seeking the truth only, nothing more nothing less. I suspect it is so
simple, it is hard for us to believe.
Oops. You made a grammatical error in your
second sentence, there. Let me correct it
"I suspect I am so simple, it is hard for
us to believe."
There; a MUCH more accurate statement...
Atheist Chair,
EAC Disciplinary Committee
Randy Day
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
If it makes you a happier, then by all means.
Hey, it's not about me; you're the one who came
Post by Blueboy
Post by Blueboy
I come seeking the truth only, nothing more nothing less.
I'm just trying to be helpful.

We're happy to help you with your mental
conditioning problem, but you have to be honest
when you say things like that.

The truth is, there is no evidence that any
Spooks-in-the-Sky are looking down at everything
you do. Do you worry whether Zeus is getting
ready to zap you with a lightning bolt? Then why
worry about some other fictional deity doing it?

Reflect carefully on that paragraph, and maybe
your 'simple' problem will fade away...
Atheist Chair,
EAC Disciplinary Committee
19 years ago
I really feel sorry for you. Such delusional states of mind can be cured
these days. See a doctor and I sincerely wish you the best.
Randy Day
19 years ago
[alt.atheism snipped from newsgroups list]
Post by Blueboy
I really feel sorry for you. Such delusional states of mind can be cured
these days. See a doctor and I sincerely wish you the best.
Come back when you've got some evidence your
little tin-pot god-concept is anything more
than *your* delusion, god-botherer...
Atheist Chair,
EAC Disciplinary Committee
19 years ago
All this wailing and gnashing of teeth is really unnecessary especially by
such a head-honcho. It's surprising that an entity purporting the truth or
rather the lack thereof really needs to impose its will like this to make
it's point known or prove it (whichever suits it at any given time). As
aparting gift, if what you say is true, do you really need to battle so hard
to prove your point? As I'm sure you know, the truth will surface. And when
it does I take solace in knowing that you will be happier in knowing you
were right, if you are indeed.
Post by Randy Day
[alt.atheism snipped from newsgroups list]
Post by Blueboy
I really feel sorry for you. Such delusional states of mind can be cured
these days. See a doctor and I sincerely wish you the best.
Come back when you've got some evidence your
little tin-pot god-concept is anything more
than *your* delusion, god-botherer...
Atheist Chair,
EAC Disciplinary Committee
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
All this wailing and gnashing of teeth is really unnecessary especially by
such a head-honcho.
WTF are you babbling about?
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
Mark K. Bilbo
19 years ago
Post by Robibnikoff
Post by Blueboy
All this wailing and gnashing of teeth is really unnecessary especially
by such a head-honcho.
WTF are you babbling about?
Do you really care?

I know I have many more interesting things to do than figure it out. Like,
oh, fingernail clipping...
Mark K. Bilbo
Charity hospital closes for good

A city on hold

If Katrina was a "judgment," god hates poor people
and churches but loves a good party...

"Everything New Orleans"
James Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Randy Day
[alt.atheism snipped from newsgroups list]
Post by Blueboy
I really feel sorry for you. Such delusional states of mind can be cured
these days. See a doctor and I sincerely wish you the best.
Come back when you've got some evidence your
little tin-pot god-concept is anything more
than *your* delusion, god-botherer...
Proof is all around you. Your blindness is YOUR loss.

Jim Scannell
R. Pierce Butler
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
I really feel sorry for you. Such delusional states of mind can be cured
these days. See a doctor and I sincerely wish you the best.
Let us look at a few of the claims. Some people believe in a personal
friend that is all knowing, all powerful, quite deaf and dumb, and
invisible. They call this person God or Jesus, take your pick. They also
believe that Noah packed all 10 billion species onto a boat and then
distributed them to all the correct places. Yes, put all the marsupials in
Australia, the Bison onto North America, The European swallow in Europe and
so on. He also made sure the Elephant was placed in Africa. Now please
tell me who is trying to bullshit who again.

Logically, scientifically, and philisophically there can be no God. This
has been proven time and time again. References are available quite esily
by doing a Google search.

Even the bible is bullshit. The bible is a collection of old stories that
was voted on by a committee for inclusion. Word of God? Word of Man is
accurate. The idea that the bible is the "Word of God" is a fantasy and a
poorly constructed one at that.

Do yourself a favor. Rationally think about it. Is your God truly the
loving being he is or the loving being you want him to be? If you really
examine the facts you will discover that your God as he stands right now is
nothing but a cruel, twisted, sick individual who likes to kill, torture,
and cause human suffering.

Now take your God and yourself and go. When you have come to the
realization that God and Jesus and religion is nothing but a socio-
political way for some people to control the general populace, then do come

You don't want to because you cannot face the possibility that thousands of
people could possibly be wrong? Consider what people believed a few
hundred years ago. They believed that witches could turn men into animals
or even mythical beasts that never existed.

Now who is trying to bullshit who?

19 years ago
On Sat, 14 Jan 2006 16:09:16 GMT, "R. Pierce Butler"
Hey! I turn into an animal every night!! And don't call my girlfriend
a witch!!! :)
James Scannell
19 years ago
Your logic is flawed. You use the example of bastardized Christianity and
Judaism and your lack of belief as "proof". There are so many anomalies in
the materialistic physical reality that you think is real that if you'd get
your head out of your ass you would know there's more to it than physics is
able to explain. Read ANYTHING on quantum physics once.

Jim Scannell
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
If it makes you a happier, then by all means.
BTW, top posting is bad netiquette. Please take the proper steps to stop
doing so.
Resident Witchypoo
Science doesn't burn people at the stake for disagreeing - Vic Sagerquist
19 years ago
Post by Blueboy
All of you are a pathetic and sorry lot! Probably, the most poignant
question of our existence, and you're making a grand mockery of it! Hiding
behind semantics and profanity only adds to your cowardice.
Hey if believing in god makes me like you, I'd rather be an atheist.
The Ghost In The Machine
19 years ago
In alt.atheism, kathryn
on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 12:44:27 +0000 (UTC)
Post by kathryn
Post by Blueboy
All of you are a pathetic and sorry lot! Probably, the most poignant
question of our existence, and you're making a grand mockery of it! Hiding
behind semantics and profanity only adds to your cowardice.
Hey if believing in god makes me like you, I'd rather be an atheist.
Erm...dumb question. Did you mean "similar to" or "inclined to be
friendly towards or with"? :-)

#191, ***@earthlink.net
It's still legal to go .sigless.
19 years ago
On Sat, 14 Jan 2006 11:50:46 +1000, "Blueboy" <***@optusnet.com.au>
wrote in alt.atheism
Post by Blueboy
All of you are a pathetic and sorry lot! Probably, the most poignant
question of our existence, and you're making a grand mockery of it! Hiding
Nurse! Someone's escaped from the rubber room.

Fundies and trolls are cordially invited to
shove a wooden cross up their arses and rotate
at a high rate of speed. I trust you'll
be 'blessed' with a cornucopia of splinters.
Sanity's little helper
19 years ago
So, what you are saying is: You don't have the faintest respect for those
who do not share your mistaken beliefs, but you don't believe that anybody
else has the right to disrespect those who do not share your beliefs.

I have to tell you that comes across as a tad arrogant, so if you wouldn't
mind just going away and rogering yourself with a telegraph pole, I can
personally guarantee that there isn't a person here who will not appreciate

Thank you kindly.

AA #2208, HB #6
Uncle Vic
19 years ago
Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Daniel Joseph Min (Anonymous-
Post by Daniel Joseph Min
BECAUSE ATHEISM IS properly defined as a "belief", e.g.,
"Atheism -
the *belief* that there is no God, or denial that
God or gods exist." [end quote, emphasis added]
Thus Atheism is properly a (ir)religious belief
Only to those who pre-suppose the existence of whatever god they endorse.
Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011, aw Hellboy #5
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department