Daniel Joseph Min
19 years ago
BECAUSE ATHEISM IS properly defined as a "belief", e.g.,
quoting from Webster's New World Dictionary & Thesaurus:
"Atheism -
the *belief* that there is no God, or denial that
God or gods exist." [end quote, emphasis added]
Thus Atheism is properly a (ir)religious belief, and so
adherents and proponents of Atheism are equally as much
believers in their godless religion of Atheism as other
believers in other contrastingly less-godless religions
are likewise believers their respective religions; some
devout believers, some less devout in their convictions.
Now, because Atheists hijacked America's public schools
and America's justice system some decades ago, Atheism
has been the official religion taught in public schools
and enforced in the liberal-biased courtrooms nationwide.
Beginning next year, those dark days of history are OVER!
No, the religion of Atheism isn't going to be banned from
public classrooms or courtrooms. Rather, the strength of
our great nation,--the greatest, most prosperous, generous
and powerful nation in recorded world history,--is that we
not only tolerate freedom of religion and freedom of speech,
we *encourage* every law-abiding American citizen to believe
in their beliefs and express their beliefs however they see
fit; and to pursue life, liberty and happiness in every way
that they possibly can...strictly within the law, of course.
Thanks to Alito's right-wing seat on the Supreme Court, we'll
soon see the ever-more popular theory of 'Intelligent Design'
being taught right alongside the ever-less popular theory of
Evolution. No, our public school teachers won't stop teaching
the theory of Evolution, but will in effect "superimpose" the
theory of 'Intelligent Design' over the top of it, so to speak.
Also, contrary to the fear mongering and misconceptions being
propagated from the now politically-disempowered and inviable
left, we're not going to outlaw Atheism or any other religion
as long as their adherents don't break the law--THAT's the key.
Once you understand that freedom of religion is the strength
of the United States of America and her unassailably-dominant
rule over global destiny, then you'll realize that people of
all religious faiths--even dyed-in-the-wool Atheists--will
soon be mutually free to openly worship according to their
beliefs and to express their beliefs in public schools, as
long as they're not violating any school rules, or breaking
any ordinances or other local, city, state or federal laws.
For example, Atheists will continue to boast in many public
places about how they *believe* there is no God, no divine
Creator, no soul or spirit, no ghosts, no angels or demons,
nothing paranormal or supernatural whatsoever. And that's
their right to do so. If they want to go around making fools
of themselves by mocking others' heartfelt religious beliefs
in public, then that's their right to do it; to believe what
they want, and to express their beliefs openly--even if you
abhor them and vehemently disagree with everything they say.
Likewise, believers in other religions, Wiccans, Astrologers,
Tarot Readers, Psychics, Occultists, Christians, Jews, Hindus,
Muslims, Buddhists, Mormons, Theosophists, Zoroastrianists,
Shintoists, Taoists, Bahais, Gnostics, Deists, Theists, Poly-
theists, Satanists, Tree-worshippers, et cetera ad infinitum:
ALL law-abiding citizens will soon be free to believe what
they choose to believe and to openly express their beliefs
in public places, as long as they're not breaking any rules
or laws to the contrary. And the Supreme Court will guarantee
that freedom of religion will be mainstream in public schools
and courtrooms. The Ten Commandments will be displayed in view.
That's what scares the hell out of the Atheists, since they
will soon lose their draconian stranglehold over America's
public schools and courtrooms all across our great nation.
And Yes, fanatical factions on the far-left AND on the far-
right aren't likely at first to be too enthusiastic about
freedom of belief--even religious belief--becoming federal
law. Change is often painful, especially for those clinging
to unjust, obsolete, ergo religiously-intolerant ideologies.
But that's okay, they'll just die off, eventually. And new
generations won't even remember the abject foolishness and
oppressiveness of the religiously-intolerant Atheists who'd
tried so hard to keep the American public in the dark for so
long. Cat's out o' the bag: Atheism is ONLY another religion,
a very dull, unspiritual and unenlightened religion at that. :-D
What's GOING to happen is that every man, woman and child in
the world is going to find out that God loves everyone, and
wants every soul to succeed--even if it take a million years.
God doesn't let anyone off the hook. Even the unwisest, evil-
doing souls who've incurred massive indebtedness against the
great Spirit must eventually pay *every* last penny they owe
in saecula saeculorum, into the ages of the ages. It's the LAW.
Daniel Joseph Min
*Download Min's Banned (Freeware) Books:
*Min's Google-Archived Home Page On The WWW:
BECAUSE ATHEISM IS properly defined as a "belief", e.g.,
quoting from Webster's New World Dictionary & Thesaurus:
"Atheism -
the *belief* that there is no God, or denial that
God or gods exist." [end quote, emphasis added]
Thus Atheism is properly a (ir)religious belief, and so
adherents and proponents of Atheism are equally as much
believers in their godless religion of Atheism as other
believers in other contrastingly less-godless religions
are likewise believers their respective religions; some
devout believers, some less devout in their convictions.
Now, because Atheists hijacked America's public schools
and America's justice system some decades ago, Atheism
has been the official religion taught in public schools
and enforced in the liberal-biased courtrooms nationwide.
Beginning next year, those dark days of history are OVER!
No, the religion of Atheism isn't going to be banned from
public classrooms or courtrooms. Rather, the strength of
our great nation,--the greatest, most prosperous, generous
and powerful nation in recorded world history,--is that we
not only tolerate freedom of religion and freedom of speech,
we *encourage* every law-abiding American citizen to believe
in their beliefs and express their beliefs however they see
fit; and to pursue life, liberty and happiness in every way
that they possibly can...strictly within the law, of course.
Thanks to Alito's right-wing seat on the Supreme Court, we'll
soon see the ever-more popular theory of 'Intelligent Design'
being taught right alongside the ever-less popular theory of
Evolution. No, our public school teachers won't stop teaching
the theory of Evolution, but will in effect "superimpose" the
theory of 'Intelligent Design' over the top of it, so to speak.
Also, contrary to the fear mongering and misconceptions being
propagated from the now politically-disempowered and inviable
left, we're not going to outlaw Atheism or any other religion
as long as their adherents don't break the law--THAT's the key.
Once you understand that freedom of religion is the strength
of the United States of America and her unassailably-dominant
rule over global destiny, then you'll realize that people of
all religious faiths--even dyed-in-the-wool Atheists--will
soon be mutually free to openly worship according to their
beliefs and to express their beliefs in public schools, as
long as they're not violating any school rules, or breaking
any ordinances or other local, city, state or federal laws.
For example, Atheists will continue to boast in many public
places about how they *believe* there is no God, no divine
Creator, no soul or spirit, no ghosts, no angels or demons,
nothing paranormal or supernatural whatsoever. And that's
their right to do so. If they want to go around making fools
of themselves by mocking others' heartfelt religious beliefs
in public, then that's their right to do it; to believe what
they want, and to express their beliefs openly--even if you
abhor them and vehemently disagree with everything they say.
Likewise, believers in other religions, Wiccans, Astrologers,
Tarot Readers, Psychics, Occultists, Christians, Jews, Hindus,
Muslims, Buddhists, Mormons, Theosophists, Zoroastrianists,
Shintoists, Taoists, Bahais, Gnostics, Deists, Theists, Poly-
theists, Satanists, Tree-worshippers, et cetera ad infinitum:
ALL law-abiding citizens will soon be free to believe what
they choose to believe and to openly express their beliefs
in public places, as long as they're not breaking any rules
or laws to the contrary. And the Supreme Court will guarantee
that freedom of religion will be mainstream in public schools
and courtrooms. The Ten Commandments will be displayed in view.
That's what scares the hell out of the Atheists, since they
will soon lose their draconian stranglehold over America's
public schools and courtrooms all across our great nation.
And Yes, fanatical factions on the far-left AND on the far-
right aren't likely at first to be too enthusiastic about
freedom of belief--even religious belief--becoming federal
law. Change is often painful, especially for those clinging
to unjust, obsolete, ergo religiously-intolerant ideologies.
But that's okay, they'll just die off, eventually. And new
generations won't even remember the abject foolishness and
oppressiveness of the religiously-intolerant Atheists who'd
tried so hard to keep the American public in the dark for so
long. Cat's out o' the bag: Atheism is ONLY another religion,
a very dull, unspiritual and unenlightened religion at that. :-D
What's GOING to happen is that every man, woman and child in
the world is going to find out that God loves everyone, and
wants every soul to succeed--even if it take a million years.
God doesn't let anyone off the hook. Even the unwisest, evil-
doing souls who've incurred massive indebtedness against the
great Spirit must eventually pay *every* last penny they owe
in saecula saeculorum, into the ages of the ages. It's the LAW.
Daniel Joseph Min
*Download Min's Banned (Freeware) Books:
*Min's Google-Archived Home Page On The WWW: